MONAH Scheduled to Re-Open on April 2nd


Following the guidance of health partners, state and national government officials, and peer institutions, the Museum of Native American History will reopen to the public on April 2, 2021, with limited capacity and new safety measures.

Free timed tickets will be issued for all visitors. Guests should book tickets online in advance of attendance (call 479.273.2456 for technical issues).

Fifteen tickets will be distributed each hour. Masks and social distancing are required for all guests, and temperature checks will be required upon entry.*

The museum will be open Wednesdays through Saturdays between 10:00 am and 3:00 pm. All events and programs will continue to take place virtually.

MONAH has an extensive virtual presence as well. They offer a virtual museum touronline programming, and tons more on their website.

*Please refer to the Arkansas State Guidelines and the CDC Guidelines for further details if needed.